
SFOA School Grade 6 Legacy Project-Planting Forget-Me-Not Flowers at Our Veterans Memorial

Published on 
Jun 26, 2023
Students at a Veterans Memorial
Published by
John Kennedy
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SFOA School Grade 6 Legacy Project-Planting Forget-Me-Not Flowers at Our Veterans Memorial

The students braved the cold rain, drizzle, and fog at 9:30 AM on Monday, June 20th by walking the 2 km from their school to plant forget-me-not flowers at our Veterans Memorial Park in Outer Cove. This is their last year at the school before heading to Grade 7 at MDJH in St. John’s. The departing class leave behind a legacy project to remind them, teachers, and families of this special occasion. With the help of our Association’s volunteers, they planted a long bed of forget-me-nots, the Emblem of Remembrance for the Royal Newfoundland Regiment’s strength and courage on the battlefield in WWI. The planting of these biennial flowers, which can survive in harsh climates and grow in the poorest soil,  will serve as a reminder to these students for decades to come. As a special treat the students walked back to the community hall, Justina Centre, where our volunteers served them pizza and refreshments. Joining our volunteer group was MHA Joedy Wall, teachers Penne Dyer and Mellissa Pelley, our community garden members, Rita Kennedy and Karen Youden Walsh,  and board members Sally Goddard, Michelle Hickey, John Kennedy, and Steve Walsh. #Best Wishes to the Graduating Class and Thank You for Sharing Your Special Day with Us!!!

Big shout out to Domino’s Pizza for food donation. Special thanks to board member Michelle Hickey for her photos.

“The Little Blue-Forget-Me Not” By Bud Davidge

Forget-me-not, wee flower of beauty,

Your royal symbol proudly stands,

Blue as the loyal men that wore them,

Far from their homes in Newfoundland.

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Logy Bay Development Association Inc.
115A Cadigan’s Rd.
Logy Bay, NL A1K3A2


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