Community Highlights

2024 Chair's AGM Report of Activiies in 2023

Published on 
Mar 16, 2024
Banner for AGM
Published by
Steve Walsh
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On February 21st, 2024, the Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove Development Association (LBDA) held its Annual General Meeting where the Chair presented a thorough report. The past year has been a bustling one for the Board as they completed seven significant projects, along with some smaller ones, in our community. These projects were aimed at enhancing the community's well-being and making it a better place to live. The report serves as the basis for this newsletter, which aims to keep the members of our community informed about the Board's activities and progress.

Some highlights include:

- Completed Peter’s Path trail: a large gathering of families, neighbors, corporate sponsors, and dignitaries assembled on June 8 at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Funding was provided by the Town, LBDA, GovNL/ActiveNL, 15 corporate sponsors, and 2 private donors.

- Expanded the Kelly Park community garden: our directors and garden volunteers gathered on May 21 and widened the garden by approximately 6.6 meters (20ft) and added 5 new raised beds to the existing 7 allocated to the joint LBDA-SFOA K-6 school outdoor classroom project. In June, we added a new submersible pump to the garden well and purchased new garden tools, seed/plants, and soil amendments. Funds were provided by the Town, GovNL/Active NL, LBDA. Wellness Coalition of Avalon East Health, and GovNL/Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.

- Fundraised for the 2024 Phase III expansion and repairs to the Veterans Memorial: we organized a successful "Biscuits and Bingo" gathering at Justina Centre on October 1 along with an online auction. We thank all sponsors who donated both cash and other prizes. In December, in partnership with the town, we submitted a funding proposal to Veterans Affairs Canada requesting 50% of the estimated $24,705 required.

- Hosted the annual garden planting for SFOA K-6 school students: over a one-week period, students along with garden volunteers planted potatoes, pumpkins, and wildflowers. In October, students harvested 168 kilograms (369 pounds) of potatoes and donated them to the Northeast Avalon Food Bank. Later that month, the kindergarten students harvested 18 pumpkins from the garden just in time for Halloween and brought them back to the school to share with other students. We thank our community garden volunteers. Special thanks to 'The Seed Company,' St. John's, for donating a sack of seed potatoes.

- Fundraised for SFOA school educational field outings: a book sale held on October 21 and 22 at the Justina Centre raised $2,000.00, which the Board donated to the school. We thank our volunteers and the Town for the use of the Justina Centre.

- Planted forget-me-not flowers with the SFOA Grade 6 students: this year's legacy project was to plant these flowers at the Veterans Memorial. Seeds were started in the classroom on April 21 (Earth Day) under the guidance of our garden volunteers and were then transplanted at the Memorial on June 20th. We thank garden volunteers, school teaching staff, and our MHA for the District of Cape St. Francis, Joedy Wall. LBDA provided funding, and the Town generously allowed us to use the Justina Centre for a pizza party afterward.

- Secured $10,270.00 from the Government of Canada Community Recovery Fund: money was used to purchase video-conference equipment in October and installed in the Council Chambers (where our board meets monthly) to better serve/reach our board members, and other volunteers in the community for meetings. This equipment is shared with the Town. We thank our MP Joanne Thompson for her support with this application.

- Improved our Veterans Memorial: in June, we added the names of three veterans to the pedestal tablets and made painting repairs to the main monument in time for the July 1st Memorial Day service. LBDA provided funding for this project.

- Other exciting activities included: fundraising (25 pounds of food and $137) for NEA Food Bank at the Town's Halloween Trunk or Treat event; teaming up with the Town to recognize local volunteers on April 18 at the Justina Centre during Canada's Volunteers Week (LBDA provided 50% of the cost); teaming up with the Town for pancakes and bacon breakfasts at the Festival of Friends in August and the Santa Claus event in December; and participating in a board development training workshop sponsored by GovNL Community Capacity Building Program in November.

Total revenue received in 2023 was $39,799 generated from grants: municipal ($16,244); provincial ($3,335); federal ($10,730); and fundraising events ($9,490).

We are grateful to Mayor Hickey and the Town Council of LBMCOC for their financial and moral support. We also want to extend our thanks to Town Manager Susan Arns and her staff for their enthusiastic cooperation. The hard work of our Board of Directors has significantly contributed to our success this year. We want to personally thank each team member for their dedication and commitment to addressing our mandate. A special thanks to our super-volunteers Bradley Power, Bill Dyer, Cole Inkpen, Rita Kennedy, Pat O'Rourke, Karen Youden-Walsh, Amy Muirhead, and all other volunteers who helped at the Kelly Park community garden and our book sale in support of SFOA school. We also acknowledge Trina Pearce, Principal of SFOA school, her staff, and the many other residents who volunteered their time to help us with our mandate.

We want to recognize the continuing support of our MHA Joedy Wall and our MP Joanne Thompson, who have assisted us on many projects.

What’s Next?

In 2024, our plans include: securing funding for Phase III expansion to the Veterans Memorial, including repairs to benches, installing a storyboard telling the history of the monument, and replanting the Dutch Commemorative tulip garden. We plan to continue our collaboration with SFOA school at the community garden and to team up with the Town to recognize volunteers at the April Volunteer Appreciation event. We also plan to collaborate with the Town on their Community Trail Network plan. Some projects are in the early stages, while others may arise with funding announcements. We look forward to sharing them with the community soon.

Thank you all for another excellent year! We look forward to advancing the LBDA Mission in 2024.

Our mission is to work with residents and the Town to develop a sense of community for all through protected natural areas, cultural heritage, and scenic resources interconnected with greenways and trails, where people live, work, and play in a healthy environment. Our motto is "Building Community Together." Both the Town of LBMCOC and St. Francis of Assisi school are our two main partners in achieving our vision of Building Community Together. LBDA is a non-profit corporation that relies on grants from municipal, provincial, and federal agencies, as well as fundraising and private and corporate donations.

Stephen J. Walsh, Chair

Special thanks go to our corporate sponsors and private donors for the Biscuit and Bingo and online auction.

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Mailing Address:
Logy Bay Development Association Inc.
115A Cadigan’s Rd.
Logy Bay, NL A1K3A2


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